Dare to live loved every day

Caz Webber with daughter.

Hey there, I’m Caz,

Are you just like me and tend to identify yourself by the most obvious? I’m a mum, a wife, a teacher, and a new author. However, in the last few years I’ve learned to linger on a more mysterious identity. The incredible beauty of being a daughter to God before all else.

But a decade ago I regularly lived striving, struggling with shame, condemnation, and hyper-aware of never feeling enough. Daily, ordinary life felt far from holy, sacred, beautiful. I was wrong and now my hope is to help you reclaim the gift of your daily life.

So how did you wake up today?

Maybe you woke dwelling on yesterday’s messes and tomorrows fears?
Maybe you want to hide away from the daily monotony of motherhood? Maybe you are questioning where God is in the midst of your mess?
And maybe you know deep in your heart there is more to your daily life than what you are living?

If any of this sounds like you, you’ve come to the right place.

What if waking up to one word could transform your daily life?

And have you ever dived into grace?

New Book: Daring Grace

Unwrap the mystery of GRACE with my new book!

DARING GRACE: 4 Sacred Dares to wake, parent and live loved every ordinary day explores God’s best lost word from the perspective of our daily lives.

DARING GRACE dares to question the nearness of God in every moment.

DARING GRACE is a radical invitation for you to pick up grace, shake it curiously, and then rip it open to find all its mysterious goodness for your daily life.

How can I encourage you?

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  • Free e-Book

    Don’t have time to read the book but want to explore daily grace? DARING GRACE MOMENTS is a beautiful 30 page ebook outlining 3 “grace-full” daily practices. You can begin to unwrap grace RIGHT NOW!

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    Say hi, share some thoughts about the book or your own #daringgraceart & #daringgracemoments pics/content.

I can’t wait to hear what unwrapping grace does in your life

Love Caz